(A) The director of health shall have charge of the public health laboratory authorized by section 3701.22 of the Revised Code. The director may employ an assistant for the laboratory who shall be a person skilled in chemistry and bacteriology, and receive compensation as the director determines. All expenses of the laboratory shall be paid from appropriations made for the department of health.
(B) The public health council, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt, and may amend or rescind, rules establishing reasonable fees for services the laboratory performs. The council need not prescribe fees where the council believes that charging fees would significantly and adversely affect the public health. All fees collected for services the laboratory performs shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the “laboratory handling fee fund,” which is hereby created for the purpose of defraying expenses of operating the laboratory.
Effective Date: 02-12-2004