(A) As used in this section and sections 3701.241 to 3701.249 of the Revised Code:
(1) “AIDS” means the illness designated as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
(2) “HIV” means the human immunodeficiency virus identified as the causative agent of AIDS.
(3) “AIDS-related condition” means symptoms of illness related to HIV infection, including AIDS-related complex, that are confirmed by a positive HIV test.
(4) “HIV test” means any test for the antibody or antigen to HIV that has been approved by the director of health under division (B) of section 3701.241 of the Revised Code.
(5) “Health care facility” has the same meaning as in section 1751.01 of the Revised Code.
(6) “Director” means the director of health or any employee of the department of health acting on the director’s behalf.
(7) “Physician” means a person who holds a current, valid certificate issued under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code authorizing the practice of medicine or surgery and osteopathic medicine and surgery.
(8) “Nurse” means a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse who holds a license or certificate issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code.
(9) “Anonymous test” means an HIV test administered so that the individual to be tested can give informed consent to the test and receive the results by means of a code system that does not link the identity of the individual tested to the request for the test or the test results.
(10) “Confidential test” means an HIV test administered so that the identity of the individual tested is linked to the test but is held in confidence to the extent provided by sections 3701.24 to 3701.248 of the Revised Code.
(11) “Health care provider” means an individual who provides diagnostic, evaluative, or treatment services. Pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the public health council may adopt rules further defining the scope of the term “health care provider.”
(12) “Significant exposure to body fluids” means a percutaneous or mucous membrane exposure of an individual to the blood, semen, vaginal secretions, or spinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, or amniotic fluid of another individual.
(13) “Emergency medical services worker” means all of the following:
(a) A peace officer;
(b) An employee of an emergency medical service organization as defined in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code;
(c) A firefighter employed by a political subdivision;
(d) A volunteer firefighter, emergency operator, or rescue operator;
(e) An employee of a private organization that renders rescue services, emergency medical services, or emergency medical transportation to accident victims and persons suffering serious illness or injury.
(14) “Peace officer” has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 109.71 of the Revised Code, except that it also includes a sheriff and the superintendent and troopers of the state highway patrol.
(B) Persons designated by rule adopted by the public health council under section 3701.241 of the Revised Code shall report promptly every case of AIDS, every AIDS-related condition, and every confirmed positive HIV test to the department of health on forms and in a manner prescribed by the director. In each county the director shall designate the health commissioner of a health district in the county to receive the reports.
(C) No person shall fail to comply with the reporting requirements established under division (B) of this section.
(D) Information reported under this section that identifies an individual is confidential and may be released only with the written consent of the individual except as the director determines necessary to ensure the accuracy of the information, as necessary to provide treatment to the individual, as ordered by a court pursuant to section 3701.243 or 3701.247 of the Revised Code, or pursuant to a search warrant or a subpoena issued by or at the request of a grand jury, prosecuting attorney, city director of law or similar chief legal officer of a municipal corporation, or village solicitor, in connection with a criminal investigation or prosecution. Information that does not identify an individual may be released in summary, statistical, or aggregate form.
Effective Date: 02-12-2004