The chairman of the public health council shall, with the advice of the association of Ohio health commissioners and the director of health, appoint a public health standards task force to assist and advise the public health council in formulating and evaluating the standards established under section 3701.342 of the Revised Code for the provision of public health services. The task force shall recommend its standards for all categories mentioned in section 3701.342 of the Revised Code on or before March 1, 1983.
The task force shall have nine members, consisting of:
(A) A sanitarian registered in accordance with Chapter 4736. of the Revised Code;
(B) A registered nurse licensed in accordance with Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code;
(C) A physician licensed in accordance with Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code;
(D) Three health commissioners;
(E) Two representatives of the department of health;
(F) One individual with recognized ability in public health law, public health laboratories, epidemiology, nutrition, or health education.
The public health standards task force shall complete its work within three years after the effective date of this section and shall cease to exist upon completion of its work, provided, that the public health council may reconstitute the public health standards task force, for the purpose of reviewing, evaluating, and revising the standards mandated in section 3701.342 of the Revised Code.
Members of the task force shall elect a chairman. Five members of the task force constitute a quorum and six votes are necessary to validate an action.
Within ninety days of the effective date of this section, the chairman of the public health council shall make the appointments to the task force. Within sixty days of their appointment, the task force members shall meet, organize, and begin their work. Vacancies occurring on the task force shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointments.
Members of the task force shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses.
Effective Date: 11-15-1981