Every physician who attends any pregnant woman for conditions relating to pregnancy during the period of gestation shall take specimens of such woman at the time of first examination or within ten days thereof, and shall submit such specimens to an approved laboratory for standard syphilis and gonorrhea tests. If, in the opinion of the physician attending such woman, her condition does not permit the taking of specimens for submission to an approved laboratory, then no specimens shall be taken prior to delivery. If no specimens are taken prior to delivery because of the woman’s condition, then such specimens shall be taken as soon after delivery as the physician deems it advisable.
The health commissioner of the city or general health district, wherein any person required to be tested for syphilis and gonorrhea under this section or section 3701.49 of the Revised Code resides, may waive the requirements of such sections if the commissioner is satisfied by written affidavit or other written proof that the tests required are contrary to the tenets or practices of the religious creed of which the person is an adherent, and that the public health and welfare would not be injuriously affected by such waiver.
Effective Date: 12-19-1973