The director of health shall do all of the following:
(A) Encourage and assist in the development of programs of education, detection, and treatment of genetic diseases and provide for habilitation, rehabilitation, and counseling of persons possessing a genetic trait of, or afflicted with, genetic disease;
(B) Advise, consult, cooperate with, and assist, by contract or otherwise, agencies of this state and the federal government, agencies of the governments of other states, agencies of political subdivisions of this state, and private organizations, corporations, and associations in the development and promotion of programs pertaining to the causes, detection, and treatment of genetic diseases, habilitation, rehabilitation, and counseling of persons possessing the trait of or afflicted with genetic disease;
(C) Accept and administer grants from the federal government or other sources, public or private, for carrying out any of the functions enumerated in divisions (A) and (B) of this section. All such moneys so received shall be deposited by the director in the state treasury and shall be kept in a separate fund by the treasurer of state. Except as otherwise provided in section 3701.45 of the Revised Code, payments from the fund shall be made pursuant to vouchers approved by the director.
Effective Date: 09-29-1997