(A) A copy of the shaken baby syndrome educational materials developed under section 3701.63 of the Revised Code shall be distributed in the following manner:
(1) By child birth educators and the staff of pediatric physicians’ offices and obstetricians offices, to an expectant parent who uses their services;
(2) By the hospital or freestanding birthing center in which a child is born, to the child’s parent before the child is discharged from the facility;
(3) By the staff of the “help me grow” program established pursuant to section 3701.61 of the Revised Code, to the child’s parent during home-visiting services conducted in accordance with that section;
(4) By each child care facility operating in this state, to each of its employees.
(B) Each entity and person required to distribute educational materials pursuant to division (A) of this section is immune from any civil and criminal liability for injury, death, or loss to person or property resulting from the dissemination of, or failure to disseminate, those educational materials.
Effective Date: 2007 SB144 02-29-2008