(A) No clinical laboratory shall present or cause to be presented a claim, bill, or demand for payment for anatomic pathology services to any person or entity other than the following:
(1) The patient who receives the services or another individual, such as a parent, spouse, or guardian, who is responsible for the patient’s bills;
(2) A responsible insurer or other third-party payor of a patient who receives the services;
(3) A hospital, public health clinic, or not-for-profit health clinic ordering the services;
(4) A referring clinical laboratory;
(5) A governmental agency or any person acting on behalf of a governmental agency;
(6) A physician who is permitted to bill for the services under division (D) of section 4731.72 of the Revised Code.
(B) Nothing in this section shall be construed to do either of the following:
(1) Mandate the assignment of benefits for anatomic pathology services;
(2) Prohibit a clinical laboratory that provides anatomic pathology services from billing a referring clinical laboratory for anatomic pathology services in instances in which the referring clinical laboratory sends one or more samples to the clinical laboratory for purposes of having a specialist perform analysis, consultation, or histologic processing.
Effective Date: 2008 HB493 04-07-2009