(A) The membership of the council on stroke prevention and education shall consist of one representative of each of the following:
(1) Brain injury association of Ohio;
(2) Ohio academy of family physicians;
(3) American college of emergency physicians Ohio chapter;
(4) Ohio chapter of the American college of cardiology;
(5) Ohio state neurosurgical society;
(6) Ohio heart and vascular research foundation;
(7) Ohio geriatrics society;
(8) Ohio nurses association;
(9) Ohio association of rehabilitation facilities;
(10) Ohio hospital association;
(11) Northeast Ohio stroke association;
(12) American heart association Ohio valley affiliate;
(13) American association of retired persons Ohio office;
(14) Ohio department of health;
(15) Ohio commission on minority health;
(16) Ohio state medical association;
(17) Ohio osteopathic association;
(18) Ohio physical therapy association;
(19) A university research facility in Ohio specializing in biotechnology;
(20) A health insuring corporation, as defined in section 1751.01 of the Revised Code;
(21) A small employer, as defined in section 3924.01 of the Revised Code;
(22) An employer that provides health benefits to its employees through a self-insurance program, as defined in section 3959.01 of the Revised Code.
(B) The director of health shall appoint the members of the council. The director shall request from each entity listed in division (A) of this section a list of three persons qualified to serve as members of the council. In making appointments to the council, the director shall select one member from the list submitted by each entity. If the director does not receive a list from an entity not later than sixty days after making a request, the director shall appoint a member to serve as the representative of that entity. The director shall appoint as members of the council no fewer than six persons who are authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery.
(C) The director of health shall appoint the chair and vice-chair of the council from among its members.
Effective Date: 02-13-2001