(A) In addition to any other exemption provided in this chapter or rules adopted under it, an air contaminant source is exempt from this chapter and rules adopted under it if the emissions of particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, or any other air contaminant from that source do not exceed ten pounds per day, as verified in accordance with division (C) of this section, provided that the exemption does not apply to any air contaminant source if any of the following applies:
(1) A requirement established under the federal Clean Air Act or regulations adopted under it limits the emissions from the source to less than ten pounds per day of an air contaminant or restricts the operation of the source in a manner equivalent to an emission limit of less than ten pounds per day;
(2) An emission limit adopted by the director of environmental protection to achieve and maintain the national ambient air quality standards or a rule adopted by the director to protect public health and welfare limits the emissions from the source to less than ten pounds per day of an air contaminant or restricts the operation of the source in a manner equivalent to an emission limit of less than ten pounds per day;
(3) The source emits radionuclides;
(4) The source, alone or in combination with similar air contaminant sources at the same facility, would result in potential emissions of any air contaminant in excess of twenty-five tons per year;
(5) The source emits more than one ton per year of hazardous air pollutants.
(B)(1) Nothing in this section prohibits the director from adopting rules establishing emission limits or permit requirements, or requiring the submission of information for the purpose of developing those rules, for source categories described in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section.
(2) Nothing in this section affects the determination of whether a stationary source is a major source for purposes of the applicability of the Title V permit program to the source under section 3704.036 of the Revised Code or any requirement to list insignificant activities and emissions levels in a Title V permit application.
(3) Nothing in this section restricts the director’s authority to require the submission of information as necessary to comply with the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act.
(C) If the potential to emit of an air contaminant source exceeds ten pounds per day of any type of air contaminant, the exemption provided in this section does not apply unless the owner or operator of the source maintains records that are adequate to demonstrate that actual emissions have not exceeded ten pounds per day. If the source emits hazardous air pollutants, the exemption provided in this section does not apply unless the owner or operator of the source maintains records that are adequate to demonstrate that actual emissions of hazardous air pollutants have not exceeded one ton per year.
Records required under this division shall be maintained on and after October 29, 1993, preserved for a period of two years, and made available upon request to the director. The director may adopt, amend, and rescind rules to provide further specificity with regard to recordkeeping requirements under this division.
Effective Date: 07-22-1994