The director of environmental protection shall:
(A) Establish a process of consultation with general purpose local governments, designated organizations or elected officials of local governments, and the secretary of any department having authority over federal land located in the state with respect to requirements of the federal Clean Air Act pertaining to transportation controls, air quality maintenance plan requirements, pre-construction review of indirect sources of air pollution, nonattainment requirements, prevention of significant deterioration, or enforcement orders;
(B) Provide for measures by which to notify the public during any calendar year on a regular basis of instances or areas in which any national primary ambient air quality standard promulgated by the administrator under the federal Clean Air Act is or was exceeded during any portion of the preceding calendar year, to advise the public of the health hazards associated with such pollution, to enhance public awareness of the measures that can be taken to prevent such standards from being exceeded and the ways in which the public can participate in regulatory and other efforts to improve air quality, and to satisfy public notice requirements of the federal Clean Air Act.
Effective Date: 12-19-1980