There is hereby created in the state treasury the clean air fund. Except as otherwise provided in division (K) of section 3745.11 of the Revised Code, all moneys collected under divisions (C), (D), (F), (G), (H), (I), and (J) of that section and under section 3745.111 of the Revised Code, and any gifts, grants, or contributions received by the director of environmental protection for the purposes of the fund, shall be credited to the fund. The director shall expend moneys from the fund exclusively to pay the cost of administering and enforcing the laws of this state pertaining to the prevention, control, and abatement of air pollution and rules adopted and terms and conditions of permits, variances, and orders issued under those laws, except that the director shall not expend moneys credited to the fund for the administration and enforcement of motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programs and requirements under sections 3704.14, 3704.141, 3704.16, 3704.161, and 3704.162 of the Revised Code.
Specifically, the director shall expend all moneys credited to the fund from fees assessed under section 3745.11 of the Revised Code pursuant to the Title V permit program established under section 3704.036 of the Revised Code, and from any gifts, grants, or contributions received for the purposes of that program, solely to administer and enforce that program pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act, this chapter, and rules adopted under it, except as costs relating to enforcement are limited by the federal Clean Air Act. The director shall establish separate and distinct accounting for all such moneys.
The director shall report biennially to the general assembly the amounts of fees and other moneys credited to the fund under this section and the amounts expended from it for each of the various air pollution control programs.
Effective Date: 10-29-1993; 07-01-2005