(A) Within fifteen business days after receiving an application, the department of health shall acknowledge receipt of the application and notify the applicant of any deficiency in the application. Within sixty calendar days after receiving a completed application, including all additional information requested by the department, the department shall issue a license or certificate or deny the application. The department shall issue only one license or certificate that is in effect at one time to a business entity and its principal officers and a public entity and its principal officers.
(B)(1) The department shall deny an application if it determines that the applicant has not demonstrated the ability to comply fully with all applicable federal and state requirements and all requirements, procedures, and standards established by the public health council in this chapter.
(2) The department shall deny any application for an asbestos hazard abatement contractor’s license if the applicant or an officer or employee of the applicant has been convicted of a felony under any state or federal law designed to protect the environment.
(3) The department shall send all denials of an application by certified mail to the applicant. If the department receives a timely request for a hearing from the applicant, as provided in division (D) of section 3710.13 of the Revised Code, the department shall hold a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(C) In an emergency that results from a sudden, unexpected event that is not a planned asbestos hazard abatement project, the department may waive the requirements for a license or certificate. For the purposes of this division, “emergency” includes operations necessitated by nonroutine failures of equipment or by actions of fire and emergency medical personnel pursuant to duties within their official capacities. Any person who performs an asbestos hazard abatement activity under emergency conditions shall notify the director within three days after performance thereof.
(D) Each license or certificate issued under this chapter expires one year after the date of issue, but each licensee or certificate holder may apply to the department for the extension of his license or certificate under the standard renewal procedures of Chapter 4745. of the Revised Code.
To qualify for renewal of a license or certificate issued under this chapter, each licensee or certificate holder shall send the appropriate renewal fee set forth in division (D) of section 3710.05 of the Revised Code or as adopted by rule by the public health council pursuant to division (A)(4) of section 3710.02 of the Revised Code.
Certificate holders also shall successfully complete an annual renewal course approved by the department pursuant to section 3710.10 of the Revised Code.
(E) The department may charge a fee in addition to those specified in division (D) of section 3710.05 of the Revised Code or in rule of the public health council pursuant to division (A)(4) of section 3710.02 of the Revised Code if the licensee or certificate holder applies for renewal after the expiration thereof or requests a reissuance of any license or certificate, provided that no such fee shall exceed the original fees by more than fifty per cent.
Effective Date: 10-08-1992