(A) For the purpose of funding and conducting ground water monitoring at construction and demolition debris facilities by boards of health of health districts that are on the approved list under section 3714.09 of the Revised Code and the director of environmental protection, the director may adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the purpose of levying a fee of not more than five cents per cubic yard or ten cents per ton on the disposal of construction and demolition debris at a construction and demolition debris facility that is licensed under this chapter. Such a fee shall be in addition to the fee that is levied under section 3714.07 of the Revised Code. If the director adopts rules under this section establishing a fee on the disposal of construction and demolition debris at a construction and demolition debris facility, the rules shall be subject to review every five years by the joint committee on agency rule review.
The owner or operator of a construction and demolition debris facility shall collect the fee levied under rules adopted under this section as a trustee for the health district having jurisdiction over the facility, if that district is on the approved list under section 3714.09 of the Revised Code, or for the state. The owner or operator shall collect and remit the fee in the same manner that the fee levied under section 3714.07 of the Revised Code is collected and remitted.
The money collected by a board of health under this section shall be paid into a special fund, which is hereby created in each health district, and used solely to fund and conduct ground water monitoring at construction and demolition debris facilities within the health district as specified in division (B) of this section. Of the money that is collected, a board of health shall transmit eighty per cent of the money received from the owner or operator of a facility under this section to the director not later than forty-five days after the receipt of the money.
The director shall transmit all money received under this section to the treasurer of state to be credited to the construction and demolition debris facility ground water monitoring fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. The director shall administer the fund and shall use money credited to it solely for the purposes specified in division (B) of this section.
(B) A board of health or the director, as applicable, shall conduct ground water monitoring at construction and demolition debris facilities in accordance with this section. In order to conduct the monitoring, the board or director, as applicable, shall pay for the installation of ground water monitoring wells, ground water sampling, and the laboratory analysis of the ground water samples at a construction and demolition debris facility in accordance with either of the following, as applicable:
(1) If the facility is operating before April 15, 2005, and the facility has not had ground water monitoring wells installed and operating before that date, the board of health or director, as applicable, shall pay the cost of the installation of one or more ground water monitoring wells and the annual sampling and laboratory analysis of the ground water at the facility.
(2) If the facility is operating before April 15, 2005, and the facility has had one or more ground water monitoring wells installed and operating before that date, the board of health or director, as applicable, shall pay the cost of the installation of one or more additional ground water monitoring wells and the annual sampling and laboratory analysis of the ground water at the facility that exceeds the facility’s annual cost of ground water monitoring certified under division (C) of this section by the owner or operator of the facility.
A board of health or the director, as applicable, shall not pay any costs under this section for the installation of ground water monitoring wells, ground water sampling, or the laboratory analysis of ground water samples incurred by a construction and demolition debris facility to comply with rules adopted under section 3714.02 of the Revised Code or a permit to install issued under section 3714.051 of the Revised Code.
(C) For purposes of division (B)(2) of this section, the owner or operator of a construction and demolition debris facility that is operating before April 15, 2005, and that has had ground water monitoring wells installed and has incurred monitoring costs before that date shall retain for three years all documents evidencing the cost of the ground water monitoring. If the board or director, as applicable, requests documents evidencing the cost of the ground water monitoring, the owner or operator of the facility shall certify to the board or director, as applicable, the annual cost of ground water monitoring at the facility.
(D) A board of health or the director, as applicable, shall determine the priority of purchases for ground water monitoring and the payment of the costs of conducting monitoring of ground water as provided in division (B) of this section. However, a board of health or the director, as applicable, shall not purchase ground water monitoring wells or pay the costs of conducting monitoring of ground water if the applicable fund does not have sufficient money to pay those costs. The director shall consult with boards of health to determine the priority of ground water monitoring at construction and demolition debris facilities that are licensed under this chapter.
(E) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are necessary to administer this section.
(F) A board of health or the director, as applicable, may enter into contracts for the purpose of conducting ground water monitoring that is required in this section.
Effective Date: 04-15-2005; 12-22-2005