Pursuant to section 3717.04 of the Revised Code, the public health council shall adopt rules regarding food service operations, as follows:
(A) Licensing categories for food service operations and licensing requirements for each category;
(B) Standards and procedures, including a schedule of frequency, for conducting inspections of food service operations;
(C) Standards and procedures for conducting investigations of complaints pertaining to food service operations;
(D) Procedures to be used by the director of health in approving courses of study for persons seeking certification in food protection, standards that must be met to receive and maintain the director’s approval, and procedures for withdrawing the director’s approval of a course if the standards for approval are no longer being met;
(E) Standards for the provision of assistance to choking victims;
(F) Any other matter the council considers relevant to the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter applicable to food service operations.
Effective Date: 11-03-1999