(A) A common carrier or warehouser while engaged in lawfully transporting or storing any controlled substance or an employee of a common carrier or warehouser of that nature who is acting within the scope of the employee’s employment may control and possess any controlled substance.
(B) Any law enforcement official may purchase, collect, or possess any controlled substance or may offer to sell any controlled substance, or any counterfeit controlled substance as defined in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code, when the purchase, collection, possession, or offer to sell is necessary to do so in the performance of the official’s official duties. This division does not permit a law enforcement official to sell any controlled substance in the performance of the official’s official duties. A peace officer, as defined in section 3719.141 of the Revised Code, may sell a controlled substance in the performance of the officer’s official duties only as provided in that section.
(C) Any employee or agent of a person who is entitled to possession of a controlled substance or whose possession of a controlled substance is for the purpose of aiding any law enforcement official in the official’s official duties temporarily may possess any controlled substance.
Effective Date: 07-01-1996