(A) If the director of health determines that an adult care facility is in violation of this chapter or rules adopted under it, the director may impose a civil penalty on the owner of the facility, pursuant to rules adopted by the public health council under this chapter. The director shall determine the classification and amount of the penalty by considering the following factors:
(1) The gravity of the violation, the severity of the actual or potential harm, and the extent to which the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under it were violated;
(2) Actions taken by the owner or manager to correct the violation;
(3) The number, if any, of previous violations by the adult care facility. (B) The director shall give written notice of the order imposing a civil penalty to the adult care facility by certified mail, return receipt requested, or shall provide for delivery of the notice in person. The notice shall specify the classification of the violation as determined by rules adopted by the public health council pursuant to this chapter, the amount of the penalty and the rate of interest, the action that is required to be taken to correct the violation, the time within which it is to be corrected as specified in division (C) of this section, and the procedures for the facility to follow to request a conference on the order imposing a civil penalty. If the facility requests a conference in a letter mailed or delivered not later than two working days after it has received the notice, the director shall hold a conference with representatives of the facility concerning the civil penalty. The conference shall be held not later than seven days after the director receives the request. The conference shall be conducted as prescribed in division (C) of section 3722.07 of the Revised Code. If the director issues an order upholding the civil penalty, the facility may request an adjudication hearing pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, but the order of the director shall be in effect during proceedings instituted pursuant to that chapter until a final adjudication is made.
(C) The director shall order that the condition or practice constituting a class I violation be abated or eliminated within twenty-four hours or any longer period that the director considers reasonable. The notice for a class II or a class III violation shall specify a time within which the violation is required to be corrected.
(D) If the facility does not request a conference or if, after a conference, it fails to take action to correct a violation in the time prescribed by the director, the director shall issue an order upholding the penalty, plus interest at the rate specified in section 1343.03 of the Revised Code for each day beyond the date set for payment of the penalty. The director may waive the interest payment for the period prior to the conference if the director concludes that the conference was necessitated by a legitimate dispute.
(E) The director may cancel or reduce the penalty for a class I violation if the facility corrects the violation within the time specified in the notice , except that the director shall impose the penalty even though the facility has corrected the violation if a resident suffers physical harm because of the violation or the facility has been cited previously for the same violation. The director may cancel the penalty for a class II or class III violation if the facility corrects the violation within the time specified in the notice and the facility has not been cited previously for the same violation. Each day of a violation of any class, after the date the director sets for abatement or elimination, constitutes a separate and additional violation.
(F) If an adult care facility fails to pay a penalty imposed under this section, the director may commence a civil action to collect the penalty. The license of an adult care facility that has failed to pay a penalty imposed under this section shall not be renewed until the penalty has been paid.
(G) If a penalty is imposed under this section, a fine shall not be imposed under section 3722.99 of the Revised Code for the same violation.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 10/16/2009.
Effective Date: 07-06-2001