(A) Pursuant to division (B) of section 3723.02 of the Revised Code, an individual, business entity, or government entity conducting research regarding radon testing or mitigation may perform radon testing or mitigation without a license, if the owner or occupant of the building or real property where the research is to be conducted consents after being informed in writing of all of the following:
(1) That the individual, business entity, or government entity is not licensed to perform radon testing or mitigation;
(2) That the results of any testing are not valid for use in any contract or legal document as evidence of the presence or absence of radon in the building or real property;
(3) That any mitigation methods used are experimental and may not be successful.
(B) Radon test results obtained pursuant to this section are not valid for use in any contract or legal document as evidence of the presence or absence of radon in the building or real property tested.
(C) No licensed radon mitigation specialist shall provide advice regarding radon mitigation on the basis of any radon test performed pursuant to this section.
(D) No licensed radon mitigation contractor shall perform radon mitigation on the basis of any radon test performed pursuant to this section.
Effective Date: 07-24-1990