(A) (1) The director of health shall adopt rules governing hospitals in their submission of information to the director under sections 3727.33 and 3727.34 of the Revised Code. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(2) Rules adopted by the director under division (A)(1) of this section shall not require either of the following:
(a) A hospital to submit information regarding a performance, quality, or service measure for which the hospital does not provide the service;
(b) A children’s hospital to report a performance, quality, or service measure for patients eighteen years of age or older.
(B)(1) The rules for submission of information under section 3727.33 of the Revised Code shall include rules specifying the inpatient and outpatient service measures to be used by hospitals in submitting the information. The rules may include any of the measures recommended by the group of experts convened under section 3727.32 of the Revised Code and shall include measures from the following:
(a) Hospital quality measures publicly reported by the centers for medicare and medicaid services;
(b) Hospital quality measures publicly reported by the joint commission ;
(c) Measures that examine volume of cases, adjusted length of stay, complications, infections, or mortality rates and are developed by the agency for health care research and quality;
(d) Measures included in the national voluntary consensus standards for hospital care endorsed by the national quality forum.
(2) In adopting rules specifying the measures to be used by hospitals in submitting the information, the director shall consider both of the following:
(a) Whether hospitals have a sufficient caseload to make a particular measure a reliable indicator of their ability to treat a diagnosis or perform a procedure in a quality manner;
(b) Whether there are any excessive administrative or financial implications associated with the reporting of information by hospitals regarding their performance in meeting a particular measure.
Effective Date: 11-13-2006; 2008 SB279 01-06-2009