A person seeking approval to operate a business that offers tattooing or body piercing services shall apply to the board of health of the city or general health district in which the business is located on forms the board shall prescribe and provide. The applicant shall submit all information the board of health determines is necessary to process the application. The applicant shall include the fee established under section 3709.09 of the Revised Code with the application.
Boards of health shall deposit all fees collected under this section into the health fund of the district that the board serves. The fees shall be used solely for the purposes of implementing and enforcing this chapter.
To receive approval to offer tattooing or body piercing services, a business must demonstrate to a board of health the ability to meet the requirements established by this chapter and the rules adopted under section 3730.10 of the Revised Code for safe performance of the tattooing or body piercing procedures, training of the individuals who perform the procedures, and maintenance of records.
A board of health that determines, following an inspection conducted under section 3730.04 of the Revised Code, that a business meets the requirements for approval shall approve the business. Approval remains valid for one year, unless earlier suspended or revoked under section 3730.05 of the Revised Code. A business’s approval may be renewed. Approval is not transferable.
Effective Date: 01-12-1998