Any two or more metropolitan housing authorities created under sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code, may join or cooperate with one another in the exercise, either jointly or otherwise, of any or all of their powers relative to the purpose of financing as provided in sections 3735.31 and 3735.45 to 3735.49, inclusive, of the Revised Code. The moneys received from such joint or cooperative financing may be used for planning, undertaking, owning, constructing, operating, or contracting with respect to a housing project or projects located within the area of operation of any one or more of the authorities. An authority may by resolution prescribe and authorize any other authority or authorities, joining or cooperating with it, to act on its behalf with respect to any or all powers relative to the purpose of financing, as its agent or otherwise, in the name of the authority or authorities so joining or cooperating, or in its own name.
Effective Date: 08-02-1971