Except as otherwise provided in section 3735.43 of the Revised Code, in the operation or management of housing projects a metropolitan housing authority shall observe the following with respect to rentals and tenant selection:
(A) It shall not accept any person as a tenant in any dwelling in a housing project if the persons who would occupy the dwelling have an aggregate annual income less such deductions and exemptions therefrom as are authorized by law or the regulations established by the public housing administration which equals or exceeds the amount which the authority determines to be necessary in order to enable such persons to secure safe, sanitary, and uncongested dwelling accommodations within the area of operation of the authority and to provide an adequate standard of living for themselves.
(B) It may rent or lease the dwelling accommodations therein only at rentals within the financial reach of persons who lack the amount of income which it determines, pursuant to division (A) of this section, to be necessary in order to obtain safe, sanitary, and uncongested dwelling accommodations within the area of operation of the authority and to provide an adequate standard of living.
(C) It may rent or lease to a tenant a dwelling consisting of the number of rooms, but no greater number, which it considers necessary to provide safe and sanitary accommodations to the proposed occupants thereof, without overcrowding.
Sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code do not limit the power of an authority to vest in a bondholder the right, in the event of a default by such authority, to take possession of a housing project or cause the appointment of a receiver thereof or acquire title thereto through foreclosure proceedings, free from all the restrictions imposed by such sections.
Effective Date: 09-19-1996