The legislative authorities of municipal corporations and counties may survey the housing within their jurisdictions and, after the survey, may adopt resolutions describing the boundaries of community reinvestment areas which contain the conditions required for the finding under division (B) of section 3735.65 of the Revised Code. The findings resulting from the survey shall be incorporated in the resolution describing the boundaries of an area. The legislative authority may stipulate in the resolution that only new structures or remodeling classified as to use as commercial, industrial, or residential, or some combination thereof, and otherwise satisfying the requirements of section 3735.67 of the Revised Code are eligible for exemption from taxation under that section. If the resolution does not include such a stipulation, all new structures and remodeling satisfying the requirements of section 3735.67 of the Revised Code are eligible for exemption from taxation regardless of classification. Whether or not the resolution includes such a stipulation, the classification of the structures or remodeling eligible for exemption in the area shall at all times be consistent with zoning restrictions applicable to the area. For the purposes of sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Revised Code, whether a structure or remodeling composed of multiple units is classified as commercial or residential shall be determined by resolution or ordinance of the legislative authority or, in the absence of such a determination, by the classification of the use of the structure or remodeling under the applicable zoning regulations.
If construction or remodeling classified as residential is eligible for exemption from taxation, the resolution shall specify a percentage, not to exceed one hundred per cent, of the assessed valuation of such property to be exempted. The percentage specified shall apply to all residential construction or remodeling for which exemption is granted.
The resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation, if the resolution is adopted by the legislative authority of a municipal corporation, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, if the resolution is adopted by the legislative authority of the county, once a week for two consecutive weeks immediately following its adoption.
Each legislative authority adopting a resolution pursuant to this section shall designate a housing officer. In addition, each such legislative authority, not later than fifteen days after the adoption of the resolution, shall petition the director of development for the director to confirm the findings described in the resolution. The petition shall be accompanied by a copy of the resolution and by a map of the community reinvestment area in sufficient detail to denote the specific boundaries of the area and to indicate zoning restrictions applicable to the area. The director shall determine whether the findings contained in the resolution are valid, and whether the classification of structures or remodeling eligible for exemption under the resolution is consistent with zoning restrictions applicable to the area as indicated on the map. Within thirty days of receiving the petition, the director shall forward the director’s determination to the legislative authority. The legislative authority or housing officer shall not grant any exemption from taxation under section 3735.67 of the Revised Code until the director forwards the director’s determination to the legislative authority. The director shall assign to each community reinvestment area a unique designation by which the area shall be identified for purposes of sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Revised Code.
If zoning restrictions in any part of a community reinvestment area are changed at any time after the legislative authority petitions the director under this section, the legislative authority shall notify the director and shall submit a map of the area indicating the new zoning restrictions in the area.
Effective Date: 09-26-2003