(A) Specialized cleaning methods used to control lead-contaminated dust when implementing the essential maintenance practices portion of the preventive treatments specified in section 3742.41 of the Revised Code may include any of the following:
(1) Cleaning potentially lead-contaminated surfaces with a detergent;
(2) Vacuuming potentially lead-contaminated surfaces with a HEPA vacuum;
(3) Covering potentially lead-contaminated soil.
(B) A person who uses or provides for others to use the specialized cleaning methods specified in division (A) of this section shall ensure that the cleaning is performed as follows:
(1) The common areas of a building with more than one residential unit must undergo specialized cleaning at least annually, including hallways, stairways, laundry rooms, recreational rooms, playgrounds, boundary fences, and other portions of the building and its surroundings that are generally accessible to all residents.
(2) The interior of a residential unit that is vacated by its occupants must undergo specialized cleaning before it may be reoccupied.
(3) A child care facility or school must undergo specialized cleaning at least annually at a time when children are not present at the facility or school.
(4) In a residential unit, child care facility, or school, on completion of any maintenance or repair work that disturbs surfaces suspected or known to be painted with lead-based paint, the maintenance or repair work area must undergo specialized cleaning if the area of the disturbed surfaces suspected or known to be painted with lead-based paint totals more than one of the following:
(a) Twenty square feet or two square meters on exterior surfaces;
(b) Two square feet or two-tenths of one square meter in any one interior room or space;
(c) Ten per cent of the total surface area on an interior or exterior component with a small surface area, such as window sills, baseboards, and trim.
Effective Date: 04-07-2003; 05-18-2005