(A) Licensed wholesalers of fireworks shall keep complete records of all fireworks in their inventory.
(B) Licensed wholesalers of fireworks shall keep the following records with respect to fireworks sold at wholesale or retail for a period of three years after the date of their sale:
(1) In the case of a wholesale sale, the name and address of the purchaser; the destination to which the fireworks will be transported; if applicable, the number of the purchaser’s wholesale license; the date of the purchase; when the fireworks are to be shipped directly out of this state by a wholesaler to a purchaser, the manner in which the fireworks were shipped to the purchaser; and such other information as the fire marshal may require;
(2) In the case of a retail sale, the name and address of the purchaser; the destination to which the fireworks will be transported; if applicable, the number of the purchaser’s exhibitor’s license and the number and political subdivision designation of the purchaser’s permit for a fireworks exhibition; the date of purchase; when the fireworks are shipped directly out of this state by a wholesaler to a purchaser, the manner in which the fireworks were shipped to the purchaser; and such other information as the fire marshal may require.
(C) The seller shall require each purchaser described in division (B) of this section to complete a purchaser’s form, which shall be prescribed by the fire marshal and furnished by the seller. On this form the purchaser shall include the information described in division (B) of this section and the purchaser’s signature. Each purchaser’s form shall contain a statement printed in bold letters indicating that knowingly making a false statement on the form is falsification under section 2921.13 of the Revised Code and is a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each seller shall keep each purchaser’s form for a period of three years after the date of the purchase, and such forms shall be open to inspection by the fire marshal or the fire marshal’s designated authority.
(D) A licensed wholesaler of fireworks shall keep its wholesale sale and retail sale records in separate books. These records and the inventory records shall be open to inspection by the fire marshal or the fire marshal’s designated authority.
Effective Date: 06-29-2001