A remedy or remedial activity conducted under this chapter may attain applicable standards otherwise established in this chapter and rules adopted under it through the use of institutional controls or activity and use limitations that restrict the use of a property or through the removal of, treatment of, transportation for treatment or disposal of, disposal of, or use of engineering controls that contain or control the release of hazardous substances or petroleum at or from a property. Any such institutional controls or activity and use limitations that restrict the use of a property shall ensure that the property is used only for purposes that comply with the applicable standards established in this chapter and rules adopted under it pertaining to the intended use of the property after the completion of the voluntary action, as the intended use is specified in the documents establishing the institutional controls or activity and use limitations. If a property is subject to institutional controls or activity and use limitations and is put to a use that does not comply with the institutional controls or activity and use limitations specified in the documents establishing the institutional controls or activity and use limitations, the covenant not to sue issued under section 3746.12 of the Revised Code for the property in connection with the voluntary action for which the institutional controls or activity and use limitations were established is hereby declared to be void on and after the date of the commencement of the noncomplying use.
Effective Date: 09-28-1994; 12-30-2004