(A) If the director of environmental protection finds that the performance of a certified professional or certified laboratory has resulted in the issuance of no further action letters under section 3746.11 of the Revised Code that are not consistent with applicable standards, he shall notify persons for whom the certified professional or certified laboratory has performed work in connection with a voluntary action of his findings.
(B) The director, in accordance with the criteria and procedures established in rules adopted under division (B)(9) of section 3746.04 of the Revised Code, may conduct an audit of any property for which a covenant not to sue was issued under section 3746.12 of the Revised Code based upon a no further action letter issued under section 3746.11 of the Revised Code that was prepared by a certified professional whose certification was subsequently suspended or revoked under this chapter and rules adopted under it or based upon a no further action letter for a voluntary action for which analyses were performed by a certified laboratory for which the certification was subsequently suspended or revoked under this chapter and rules adopted under it.
If, after such an audit, the director finds that the property does not comply with applicable standards, he shall proceed in accordance with divisions (B)(2) through (4) of section 3746.12 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-28-1994