No person, association, corporation, or trust shall hold, conduct, assist, or aid and abet in holding or conducting any meetings, at which horse racing is permitted for any stake, purse, or award unless such person, association, corporation, or trust secures a permit to conduct a horse-racing meeting and complies with sections 3769.01 to 3769.14 of the Revised Code.
Such sections shall apply only to the racing of horses and do not prevent the use of any grounds, enclosure, or race track, whether or not owned or controlled by a permit holder, for any county or state fair, agricultural or livestock exhibition, horse show, or any horse racing where the pari-mutuel system of wagering upon the result of such horse racing is not permitted or allowed. This section does not permit the pari-mutuel method of wagering upon any race track unless a permit is secured as provided in sections 3769.04 to 3769.06 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-30-1975