(A) The general assembly finds and declares all of the following:
(1) A national racing compact, comprised of states that are party to the compact, exists to provide for the licensure and regulation of individuals involved in the horse racing industry.
(2) The intent of the compact is to prevent individual owners, trainers, jockeys, drivers, backstretch employees, totalizator employees, farriers, concessionaires, veterinarians, and other persons involved in live horse racing upon which pari-mutuel wagering is conducted from having to be licensed in each state in which they may conduct business.
(3) The compact authorizes the individuals described in division (A)(2) of this section to be licensed in occupational categories established by the compact committee that oversees the compact and, thus, to be able to practice their occupation in all states that are parties to the compact.
(4) The purposes of the compact are to do all of the following:
(a) Establish uniform requirements among the states that are parties to the compact for the licensure of the individuals described in division (A)(2) of this section and to ensure that all of those individuals licensed pursuant to the compact meet a uniform minimum standard of honesty and integrity;
(b) Facilitate the growth of the horse racing industry in each state that is a party to the compact and throughout the country by simplifying the licensing process for the individuals described in division (A)(4)(a) of this section and by reducing the duplicative and costly process of separate licensing by the applicable agency in each state that is a party to the compact;
(c) Provide for participation in the compact by officials of the states that are parties to the compact, and permit those officials, through the compact committee established by the compact, to enter into contracts with governmental agencies and nongovernmental persons and entities to carry out the purposes of the compact;
(d) Establish the compact committee as an interstate governmental entity authorized to request and receive criminal record history information from the federal bureau of investigation, other federal law enforcement agencies, the royal Canadian mounted police, law enforcement agencies of other nations, and state and local law enforcement agencies.
(5) Both of the following apply under the compact:
(a) No state that is party to the compact, including that state’s racing commission or equivalent agency, is liable for the debts or other financial obligations incurred by the compact committee.
(b) No official of a state that is a party to the compact or employee of the compact committee is personally liable for any act the official or employee performs or omits to perform in good faith while carrying out the official’s or employee’s responsibilities and duties under the compact.
(B)(1) The state racing commission is hereby authorized to enter into and participate in the compact described in division (A) of this section for the purposes described in that division.
(2) The participation of this state and the commission in the compact shall not have any of the following consequences:
(a) Result in the diminution of any applicable existing standards governing the issuance, denial, suspension, or revocation of a license issued under section 3769.03 of the Revised Code;
(b) Prevent the enforcement of any statute or rule affecting the holder of any such license;
(c) Relieve any individual or entity of its duty to obtain any such license or pay any license fee;
(d) Make the state or the commission liable for the debts or other financial obligations incurred by the compact committee;
(e) Make any officer or employee of this state personally liable for any act the official or employee performs or omits to perform in good faith while carrying out the official’s or employee’s responsibilities and duties under the compact.
(3) The commission shall designate an individual to represent this state and the commission on the compact committee in the administration of the compact.
Effective Date: 04-04-2007