The tax commissioner shall collect from each permit holder who conducts a pari-mutuel system of wagering where the wagering is less than five million dollars a sum of money equal to one-tenth of one per cent of the total amount wagered and where the wagering is five million dollars or more a sum of money equal to fifteen hundredths of one per cent of the total amount wagered during any horse-racing meeting for the purpose of providing operating revenue for the political subdivisions wherein such meetings are held. Such moneys shall be collected by the commissioner within ten days after the close of such meeting and shall be sent back to the permit holder who paid the tax. Such permit holder shall then immediately forward the moneys to the chief fiscal officers of the municipal corporations or townships in which such horse-racing meeting took place and in which any such facilities or accessory uses therefor were located. Such moneys shall be divided equally between the municipal corporations or townships in which such horse-racing meeting took place and in which any facilities or accessory uses therefor were located. Such municipal corporations or townships may distribute a portion of the moneys so received to any adjoining political subdivision which incurs increased expenses because of such horse-racing meeting.
This section shall not apply to any agricultural society which holds a horse-racing permit.
The amount collected under this section from any one permit holder shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars from any one horse-racing meeting in any calendar year.
Effective Date: 10-12-1994