(A) There is hereby created the state lottery commission consisting of nine members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. No more than five members of the commission shall be members of the same political party. Of the additional and new appointments made to the commission pursuant to the amendment of August 1, 1980, three shall be for terms ending August 1, 1981, three shall be for terms ending August 1, 1982, and three shall be for terms ending August 1, 1983. Thereafter, terms of office shall be for three years, each term ending on the same day of the same month of the year as did the term which it succeeds.
(B) Each member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member’s predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. Any member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member’s term until the member’s successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.
(C) All members of the commission shall be citizens of the United States and residents of this state. The members of the commission shall represent the various geographic regions of the state. No member of the commission shall have any pecuniary interest in any contract or license awarded by the commission. One person appointed as a member of the commission shall represent an organization that deals with problem gambling and assists recovering gambling addicts. Each person appointed as a member of the commission, except the member appointed as a representative of an organization that deals with problem gambling and assists recovering gambling addicts, shall have prior experience or education in business administration, management, sales, marketing, or advertising.
(D) The commission shall elect annually one of its members to serve as chairperson for a term of one year. Election as chairperson shall not extend a member’s appointive term. Each member of the commission shall receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars, payable in monthly installments. Each member of the commission also shall receive the member’s actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of the member’s official duties.
(E) Each member of the commission, before entering upon the discharge of the member’s official duties, shall give a bond, payable to the treasurer of state, in the sum of ten thousand dollars with sufficient sureties to be approved by the treasurer of state, which bond shall be filed with the secretary of state.
(F) The governor may remove any member of the commission for malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, giving the member a copy of the charges against the member and affording the member an opportunity to be publicly heard in person or by counsel in the member’s own defense upon not less than ten days’ notice. If the member is removed, the governor shall file in the office of the secretary of state a complete statement of all charges made against the member and the governor’s finding on the charges, together with a complete report of the proceedings, and the governor’s decision on the charges is final.
(G) The commission shall maintain offices at locations in the state as it may consider necessary for the efficient performance of its functions. The director shall maintain an office in Columbus to coordinate the activities of the state lottery commission with other state departments.
Effective Date: 09-29-1999