There is hereby created in the state treasury the charitable gaming oversight fund. The state lottery commission shall credit to the fund any money it receives from the office of the attorney general under any agreement the commission and the office have entered into under division (I) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code. The commission shall use money in the fund to provide oversight, licensing, and monitoring of charitable gaming activities in this state in accordance with the agreement and Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code. Not later than the first day of July of each fiscal year, or as soon as possible thereafter, the commission may certify to the office of budget and management any unobligated fund balances not necessary to be used under this section. The commission may request the office of budget and management to transfer these balances to the lottery profits education fund for use in accordance with section 3770.06 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 06-30-2005