(A) In addition to the powers conferred by any other section of the Revised Code, the board of building standards shall adopt standards and rules to facilitate the reasonable access and use by all persons with a disability of all buildings and the facilities of buildings for which plans are submitted for approval under section 3791.04 of the Revised Code. No standard or rule shall be applied to any building the plans or drawings, specifications, and date of which have been approved prior to the time that the standard or rule takes effect.
(B)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the standards and rules adopted by the board pursuant to this section shall be in accordance with the “Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,” 104 Stat. 327, 42 U.S.C.A. 12101, as amended, and the “Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988,” 102 Stat. 1619, 42 U.S.C.A. 3601, as amended.
(2) For purposes of enforcement by the Ohio civil rights commission only, approval of a plan as required under section 3791.04 of the Revised Code creates a rebuttable presumption that the plans, drawings, specifications, or data submitted are in compliance with the rules adopted by the board pursuant to this section as they relate to accessibility.
(C) All signs posted to designate special parking locations for persons with a disability and persons with disabilities that limit or impair the ability to walk in accordance with division (E) of section 4511.69 of the Revised Code and the standards and rules adopted pursuant to this section shall be mounted on a fixed or movable post or otherwise affixed in a vertical position at a height so that the sign is clearly visible to the driver of a vehicle when parked in such a location. If a new sign or a replacement sign designating a special parking location is posted on or after October 14, 1999, there also shall be affixed upon the surface of that sign or affixed next to the designating sign a notice that states the fine applicable for the offense of parking a motor vehicle in the special designated parking location if the motor vehicle is not legally entitled to be parked in that location.
(D) As used in this section, “disability” has the same meaning as in section 4112.01 of the Revised Code. As used in division (C) of this section, “persons with disabilities that limit or impair the ability to walk” has the same meaning as in division (A)(1) of section 4503.44 of the Revised Code.
(E) No owner of a building or facility where special parking locations for persons with a disability must be designated in accordance with the standards and rules adopted pursuant to this section shall fail to properly mark the special parking locations as required by those standards and rules or fail to maintain the markings of the special parking locations, including the erection and maintenance of the fixed or movable signs.
(F) The board annually shall provide statewide training on the rules adopted by the board pursuant to this section as they relate to accessibility for nonresidential building department personnel certified by the board who approve, review plans, and inspect nonresidential construction.
Effective Date: 03-17-2000; 2008 HB444 04-07-2009