(A) Assisting suicide is hereby declared to be against the public policy of the state.
(B) A court of common pleas shall grant an injunction enjoining any action related to assisting suicide if it finds there is reason to believe that the person enjoined is preparing to assist a suicide, is in the course of assisting a suicide, or has assisted a suicide. The injunction shall prohibit the person from assisting any suicide in this state regardless of who is being assisted. The injunction may be granted at the request of any of the following:
(1) A person who has prepared or attempted to commit suicide with the assistance of the person sought to be enjoined;
(2) The guardian, spouse, parent, child, or sibling of a person who is preparing or has prepared to commit, who is attempting or has attempted to commit, or who committed suicide with the assistance of the person sought to be enjoined;
(3) A person entitled to inherit from a person who is preparing or has prepared to commit, who is attempting or has attempted to commit, or who committed suicide with the assistance of the person sought to be enjoined;
(4) A person who has inherited from a person who has prepared or attempted to commit or who committed suicide with the assistance of the person sought to be enjoined;
(5) An individual who is providing or has provided health care to a person who is preparing or has prepared to commit or who is attempting or has attempted to commit suicide with the assistance of the person sought to be enjoined;
(6) An individual who has provided health care to a person who committed suicide with the assistance of the person sought to be enjoined;
(7) A prosecuting attorney;
(8) The attorney general.
If an injunction is granted, the court may award the party requesting the injunction all reasonable attorney’s fees, which shall be considered damages.
Effective Date: 03-24-2003