(A) Securities that are eligible for deposit under provisions of the insurance laws of this state may be placed with a clearing corporation or held in the federal reserve book-entry system.
(B) When an insurance company places or arranges for the placement of securities in a clearing corporation or in the federal reserve book-entry system, the securities so placed shall satisfy the deposit requirements under provisions of the insurance laws of this state, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) The securities shall be under the control of the superintendent of insurance;
(2) The securities shall not be withdrawn by the insurance company without the written approval of the superintendent;
(3) The placement shall be made pursuant to a written agreement between the insurance company and a direct participant or member bank. The agreement shall be approved in writing by the superintendent and shall limit withdrawals to those having the written approval of the department of insurance.
(4) The placement shall be credited by the department as a deposit in its possession on the basis of an affidavit of the insurance company describing the amount and nature of the securities;
(5) The insurance company holding the securities shall provide the superintendent with both of the following:
(a) Evidence issued by its direct participant or the member bank through which it has placed securities in a clearing corporation or in the federal reserve book-entry system. The evidence shall be in a form that is sufficient to establish that the securities are actually recorded in an account in the name of the direct participant or member bank.
(b) Evidence issued by its direct participant or the member bank that the records of the direct participant or member bank reflect that the securities are held subject to the written order of the superintendent.
Effective Date: 09-28-1990