The superintendent of insurance may issue a surplus line broker’s license to any natural person who is a resident of this or any other state or to a business entity that is organized under the laws of this or any other state. To be eligible for a resident surplus line broker’s license, a person must have both a property license and a casualty license. To be eligible for a nonresident surplus line broker’s license, a person must hold an active surplus line broker license in the person’s home state. A nonresident surplus line broker shall obtain a nonresident license with a property and casualty line of authority in this state if the broker is or will be personally performing the due diligence requirements under section 3905.33 of the Revised Code.
A surplus line broker’s license permits the person named in the license to negotiate for and obtain insurance, other than life insurance, on property or persons in this state from insurers not authorized to transact business in this state. Each such license expires on the thirty-first day of January next after the year in which it is issued, and may be then renewed.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 18, HB 300, § 1, eff. 5/26/2010.
Effective Date: 09-01-2002
See 128th General Assembly File No. 18, HB 300, §6.
See 128th General Assembly File No. 18, HB 300, §3.