Before any certificate of authority shall be issued by the superintendent of insurance there shall be filed in his office a written application therefor. Such application shall be in the form or forms and supplements thereto prescribed by the superintendent and shall set forth:
(A) The name and address of the applicant, and if the applicant be a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member thereof, and if the applicant be a corporation, the name and address of each of its officers and directors;
(B) Whether any license or certificate of authority as agent, broker, or public insurance adjuster has been issued previously by the superintendent of this state or by the insurance department of any state to the individual applicant, and, if the applicant be an individual, whether any such certificate has been issued previously to any firm, association, or partnership of which he was or is an officer or director, and, if the applicant be a firm, association, or partnership, whether any such certificate has been issued previously to any member thereof, and, if the applicant be a corporation, whether any such certificate has been issued previously to any officer or director of such corporation;
(C) The business or employment in which the applicant has been engaged for the five years next preceding the date of the application, and the name and address of such business and the name or names and addresses of his employer or employers;
(D) Such information as the superintendent may require of applicants in order to determine their trustworthiness and competency to transact the business of public insurance adjusters, in such manner as to safeguard the interest of the public;
(E) The superintendent shall issue a public insurance adjuster agent certificate to a person, who is a bona fide employee of a public insurance adjuster without examination, provided said application is made by a person, partnership, association, or corporation engaged in the public insurance adjusting business. The fee to be paid by the applicant for such a license at the time the application is made, and annually thereafter for the renewal thereof according to the standard renewal procedure of sections 4745.01 to 4745.03, inclusive, of the Revised Code, shall be fifty dollars, and such applicant shall be bonded in the amount of one thousand dollars as provided for in division (D) of section 3951.06 of the Revised Code.
An application for any certificate of authority shall be signed and verified under oath by the applicant and, if made by a firm, association, partnership, or corporation, by each member or officer and director thereof to be authorized thereby to act as a public insurance adjuster.
Effective Date: 06-11-1968