(A) Qualified nonprofit agencies for persons with severe disabilities and the state committee for the purchase of products and services provided by persons with severe disabilities shall approve, through a mutually developed process, and pursuant to rules the committee adopts in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, one or more central nonprofit agencies to carry out the intent of sections 4115.31 to 4115.35 of the Revised Code. Each approved central nonprofit agency shall operate in accordance with rules adopted by the committee under division (A)(6) of section 4115.33 of the Revised Code and develop an approved catalogue of products and services that can be supplied by the qualified nonprofit agencies to be purchased by state agencies, political subdivisions, or instrumentalities of the state.
(B) The auditor of state shall audit each central nonprofit agency approved under division (A) of this section at least annually.
Effective Date: 10-29-1995