The administrator of workers’ compensation shall promptly require of each employer who has elected to pay compensation direct under the provisions of section 4123.35 of the Revised Code a verified list of the names and addresses of all persons to whom the employer is paying workers’ compensation on account of permanent and total disability and the evidence respecting such persons as the administrator reasonably deems necessary to determine the eligibility of any such person to participate in the disabled workers’ relief fund. The superintendent of insurance shall promptly require of each insurance company which is organized or licensed to do business in this state and which has at any time written workers’ compensation insurance in this state a like verified list and like evidence respecting persons to whom the insurance companies are paying workers’ compensation under the Ohio workers’ compensation laws and contracts of insurance in respect thereof; and the superintendent of insurance shall promptly transmit all such lists and evidence to the bureau of workers’ compensation. Any person claiming the right to participate in the fund may file his application therefor with the bureau and shall be accorded a hearing thereon.
Effective Date: 11-03-1989