The assessment rate established pursuant to section 4123.411 of the Revised Code, subject to the limits set forth in that section, shall be adequate to provide the amounts estimated as necessary by the administrator of workers’ compensation to carry out the provisions of sections 4123.412 to 4123.418 of the Revised Code, and in addition to provide moneys to reimburse the general revenue fund for moneys appropriated by Section 2 of H.B. No. 1131 of the 103rd general assembly or by the 104th and succeeding general assemblies for disabled workers’ relief. When the additional moneys are available in whole or part for the purpose of making the reimbursement, the director of budget and management shall certify the amount to the bureau of workers’ compensation which shall thereupon cause the moneys to be paid to the general revenue fund from the disabled workers’ relief fund except that any amounts due because of the state’s obligation as an employer pursuant to section 4123.411 of the Revised Code and not paid to the disabled workers’ relief fund shall be deducted from any such reimbursement.
Effective Date: 11-03-1989