(A) The administrator of workers’ compensation, under special circumstances, and when the same is deemed advisable for the purpose of rendering the injured or disabled employee financial relief or for the purpose of furthering his rehabilitation, may commute payments of compensation or benefits to one or more lump-sum payments.
(B) The administrator shall adopt rules which set forth the policy for awarding lump sum payments. The rules shall:
(1) Enumerate the allowable purposes for payments and the conditions for making such awards;
(2) Enumerate the maximum reduction in compensation allowable;
(3) Enumerate the documentation necessary to award a lump-sum payment;
(4) Require that all checks include the claimant as a payee, except where the check is for the payment of attorney’s fees in accordance with section 4123.06 of the Revised Code, in which case the attorney shall be named as the only payee on the check;
(5) Require a fully completed and current application including notary and seal; and
(6) Specify procedures to make a claimant aware of the reduction in amount of compensation which will occur.
(C) An order of the administrator issued under this section is appealable pursuant to section 4123.511 of the Revised Code but is not appealable to court under section 4123.512 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-20-1993