Every employee who is disabled because of the contraction of an occupational disease or the dependent of an employee whose death is caused by an occupational disease, is entitled to the compensation provided by sections 4123.55 to 4123.59 and 4123.66 of the Revised Code subject to the modifications relating to occupational diseases contained in this chapter. An order of the administrator issued under this section is appealable pursuant to sections 4123.511 and 4123.512 of the Revised Code.
The following diseases are occupational diseases and compensable as such when contracted by an employee in the course of the employment in which such employee was engaged and due to the nature of any process described in this section. A disease which meets the definition of an occupational disease is compensable pursuant to this chapter though it is not specifically listed in this section.
Description of disease or injury and description of process:
(A) Anthrax: Handling of wool, hair, bristles, hides, and skins.
(B) Glanders: Care of any equine animal suffering from glanders; handling carcass of such animal.
(C) Lead poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of lead or its preparations or compounds.
(D) Mercury poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of mercury or its preparations or compounds.
(E) Phosphorous poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of phosphorous or its preparations or compounds.
(F) Arsenic poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of arsenic or its preparations or compounds.
(G) Poisoning by benzol or by nitro-derivatives and amido-derivatives of benzol (dinitro-benzol, anilin, and others): Any industrial process involving the use of benzol or nitro-derivatives or amido-derivatives of benzol or its preparations or compounds.
(H) Poisoning by gasoline, benzine, naphtha, or other volatile petroleum products: Any industrial process involving the use of gasoline, benzine, naphtha, or other volatile petroleum products.
(I) Poisoning by carbon bisulphide: Any industrial process involving the use of carbon bisulphide or its preparations or compounds.
(J) Poisoning by wood alcohol: Any industrial process involving the use of wood alcohol or its preparations.
(K) Infection or inflammation of the skin on contact surfaces due to oils, cutting compounds or lubricants, dust, liquids, fumes, gases, or vapors: Any industrial process involving the handling or use of oils, cutting compounds or lubricants, or involving contact with dust, liquids, fumes, gases, or vapors.
(L) Epithelion cancer or ulceration of the skin or of the corneal surface of the eye due to carbon, pitch, tar, or tarry compounds: Handling or industrial use of carbon, pitch, or tarry compounds.
(M) Compressed air illness: Any industrial process carried on in compressed air.
(N) Carbon dioxide poisoning: Any process involving the evolution or resulting in the escape of carbon dioxide.
(O) Brass or zinc poisoning: Any process involving the manufacture, founding, or refining of brass or the melting or smelting of zinc.
(P) Manganese dioxide poisoning: Any process involving the grinding or milling of manganese dioxide or the escape of manganese dioxide dust.
(Q) Radium poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of radium and other radioactive substances in luminous paint.
(R) Tenosynovitis and prepatellar bursitis: Primary tenosynovitis characterized by a passive effusion or crepitus into the tendon sheath of the flexor or extensor muscles of the hand, due to frequently repetitive motions or vibrations, or prepatellar bursitis due to continued pressure.
(S) Chrome ulceration of the skin or nasal passages: Any industrial process involving the use of or direct contact with chromic acid or bichromates of ammonium, potassium, or sodium or their preparations.
(T) Potassium cyanide poisoning: Any industrial process involving the use of or direct contact with potassium cyanide.
(U) Sulphur dioxide poisoning: Any industrial process in which sulphur dioxide gas is evolved by the expansion of liquid sulphur dioxide.
(V) Berylliosis: Berylliosis means a disease of the lungs caused by breathing beryllium in the form of dust or fumes, producing characteristic changes in the lungs and demonstrated by x-ray examination, by biopsy or by autopsy.
This chapter does not entitle an employee or his dependents to compensation, medical treatment, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death from berylliosis unless the employee has been subjected to injurious exposure to beryllium dust or fumes in his employment in this state preceding his disablement and only in the event of such disability or death resulting within eight years after the last injurious exposure; provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death from exposure occurring after January 1, 1976. In the event of death following continuous total disability commencing within eight years after the last injurious exposure, the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
Before awarding compensation for partial or total disability or death due to berylliosis, the administrator of workers’ compensation shall refer the claim to a qualified medical specialist for examination and recommendation with regard to the diagnosis, the extent of the disability, the nature of the disability, whether permanent or temporary, the cause of death, and other medical questions connected with the claim. An employee shall submit to such examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, as the administrator requires. In the event that an employee refuses to submit to examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, after notice from the administrator, or in the event that a claimant for compensation for death due to berylliosis fails to produce necessary consents and permits, after notice from the administrator, so that such autopsy examination and tests may be performed, then all rights for compensation are forfeited. The reasonable compensation of such specialist and the expenses of examinations and tests shall be paid, if the claim is allowed, as part of the expenses of the claim, otherwise they shall be paid from the surplus fund.
(W) Cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory diseases incurred by fire fighters or police officers following exposure to heat, smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes and other toxic substances: Any cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory disease of a fire fighter or police officer caused or induced by the cumulative effect of exposure to heat, the inhalation of smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes and other toxic substances in the performance of his duty constitutes a presumption, which may be refuted by affirmative evidence, that such occurred in the course of and arising out of his employment. For the purpose of this section, “fire fighter” means any regular member of a lawfully constituted fire department of a municipal corporation or township, whether paid or volunteer, and “police officer” means any regular member of a lawfully constituted police department of a municipal corporation, township or county, whether paid or volunteer.
This chapter does not entitle a fire fighter, or police officer, or his dependents to compensation, medical treatment, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death from a cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory disease, unless the fire fighter or police officer has been subject to injurious exposure to heat, smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes, and other toxic substances in his employment in this state preceding his disablement, some portion of which has been after January 1, 1967, except as provided in division (E) of section 4123.57 of the Revised Code.
Compensation on account of cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory diseases of fire fighters and police officers is payable only in the event of temporary total disability, permanent total disability, or death, in accordance with section 4123.56, 4123.58, or 4123.59 of the Revised Code. Medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable in accordance with this chapter. Compensation, medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable only in the event of such disability or death resulting within eight years after the last injurious exposure; provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death from exposure occurring after January 1, 1976. In the event of death following continuous total disability commencing within eight years after the last injurious exposure, the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
This chapter does not entitle a fire fighter or police officer, or his dependents, to compensation, medical, hospital, and nursing expenses, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death due to a cardiovascular, pulmonary, or respiratory disease in the event of failure or omission on the part of the fire fighter or police officer truthfully to state, when seeking employment, the place, duration, and nature of previous employment in answer to an inquiry made by the employer.
Before awarding compensation for disability or death under this division, the administrator shall refer the claim to a qualified medical specialist for examination and recommendation with regard to the diagnosis, the extent of disability, the cause of death, and other medical questions connected with the claim. A fire fighter or police officer shall submit to such examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, as the administrator requires. In the event that a fire fighter or police officer refuses to submit to examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, after notice from the administrator, or in the event that a claimant for compensation for death under this division fails to produce necessary consents and permits, after notice from the administrator, so that such autopsy examination and tests may be performed, then all rights for compensation are forfeited. The reasonable compensation of such specialists and the expenses of examination and tests shall be paid, if the claim is allowed, as part of the expenses of the claim, otherwise they shall be paid from the surplus fund.
(X) Silicosis: Silicosis means a disease of the lungs caused by breathing silica dust (silicon dioxide) producing fibrous nodules distributed through the lungs and demonstrated by x-ray examination, by biopsy or by autopsy.
(Y) Coal miners’ pneumoconiosis: Coal miners’ pneumoconiosis, commonly referred to as “black lung disease,” resulting from working in the coal mine industry and due to exposure to the breathing of coal dust, and demonstrated by x-ray examination, biopsy, autopsy or other medical or clinical tests.
This chapter does not entitle an employee or his dependents to compensation, medical treatment, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death from silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners’ pneumoconiosis unless the employee has been subject to injurious exposure to silica dust (silicon dioxide), asbestos, or coal dust in his employment in this state preceding his disablement, some portion of which has been after October 12, 1945, except as provided in division (E) of section 4123.57 of the Revised Code.
Compensation on account of silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners’ pneumoconiosis are payable only in the event of temporary total disability, permanent total disability, or death, in accordance with sections 4123.56, 4123.58, and 4123.59 of the Revised Code. Medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable in accordance with this chapter. Compensation, medical, hospital, and nursing expenses are payable only in the event of such disability or death resulting within eight years after the last injurious exposure; provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death occurring after January 1, 1976, and further provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to any asbestosis cases. In the event of death following continuous total disability commencing within eight years after the last injurious exposure, the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
This chapter does not entitle an employee or his dependents to compensation, medical, hospital and nursing expenses, or payment of funeral expenses for disability or death due to silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners’ pneumoconiosis in the event of the failure or omission on the part of the employee truthfully to state, when seeking employment, the place, duration, and nature of previous employment in answer to an inquiry made by the employer.
Before awarding compensation for disability or death due to silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners’ pneumoconiosis, the administrator shall refer the claim to a qualified medical specialist for examination and recommendation with regard to the diagnosis, the extent of disability, the cause of death, and other medical questions connected with the claim. An employee shall submit to such examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, as the administrator requires. In the event that an employee refuses to submit to examinations, including clinical and x-ray examinations, after notice from the administrator, or in the event that a claimant for compensation for death due to silicosis, asbestosis, or coal miners’ pneumoconiosis fails to produce necessary consents and permits, after notice from the commission, so that such autopsy examination and tests may be performed, then all rights for compensation are forfeited. The reasonable compensation of such specialist and the expenses of examinations and tests shall be paid, if the claim is allowed, as a part of the expenses of the claim, otherwise they shall be paid from the surplus fund.
(Z) Radiation illness: Any industrial process involving the use of radioactive materials.
Claims for compensation and benefits due to radiation illness are payable only in the event death or disability occurred within eight years after the last injurious exposure provided that such eight-year limitation does not apply to disability or death from exposure occurring after January 1, 1976. In the event of death following continuous disability which commenced within eight years of the last injurious exposure the requirement of death within eight years after the last injurious exposure does not apply.
(AA) Asbestosis: Asbestosis means a disease caused by inhalation or ingestion of asbestos, demonstrated by x-ray examination, biopsy, autopsy, or other objective medical or clinical tests.
All conditions, restrictions, limitations, and other provisions of this section, with reference to the payment of compensation or benefits on account of silicosis or coal miners’ pneumoconiosis apply to the payment of compensation or benefits on account of any other occupational disease of the respiratory tract resulting from injurious exposures to dust.
The refusal to produce the necessary consents and permits for autopsy examination and testing shall not result in forfeiture of compensation provided the administrator finds that such refusal was the result of bona fide religious convictions or teachings to which the claimant for compensation adhered prior to the death of the decedent.
Effective Date: 10-20-1993