All moneys paid into the auto registration distribution fund under section 4501.03 of the Revised Code, except moneys received under section 4504.09 of the Revised Code and moneys received under section 4503.02 of the Revised Code in accordance with section 4501.13 of the Revised Code, and except moneys paid for costs of audits under section 4501.03 of the Revised Code, after receipt by the treasurer of state of certifications from the commissioners of the sinking fund certifying, as required by sections 5528.15 and 5528.35 of the Revised Code, that there are sufficient moneys to the credit of the highway improvement bond retirement fund created by section 5528.12 of the Revised Code to meet in full all payments of interest, principal, and charges for the retirement of bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Section 2g of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and sections 5528.10 and 5528.11 of the Revised Code, due and payable during the current calendar year, and that there are sufficient moneys to the credit of the highway obligations bond retirement fund created by section 5528.32 of the Revised Code to meet in full all payments of interest, principal, and charges for the retirement of highway obligations issued pursuant to Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and sections 5528.30 and 5528.31 of the Revised Code due and payable during the current calendar year, shall be distributed as follows:
(A) Thirty-four per cent of all such moneys are for the use of the municipal corporation or county which constitutes the district of registration. The portion of such money due to the municipal corporation shall be paid into its treasury forthwith upon receipt by the county auditor, and shall be used to plan, construct, reconstruct, repave, widen, maintain, repair, clear, and clean public highways, roads, and streets; to maintain and repair bridges and viaducts; to purchase, erect, and maintain street and traffic signs and markers; to purchase, erect, and maintain traffic lights and signals; to pay the principal, interest, and charges on bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or incurred pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring or constructing roads, highways, bridges, or viaducts, or acquiring or making other highway improvements for which the municipal corporation may issue bonds; and to supplement revenue already available for such purposes.
The county portion of such funds shall be retained in the county treasury and shall be used for the planning, maintenance, repair, construction, and repaving of public streets, and maintaining and repairing bridges and viaducts; the payment of principal, interest, and charges on bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or incurred pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring or constructing roads, highways, bridges, or viaducts or acquiring or making other highway improvements for which the board of county commissioners may issue bonds under such chapter; and for no other purpose.
(B) Five per cent of all such moneys, together with interest earned by the treasurer of state as provided in section 4501.03 of the Revised Code, shall constitute a fund for the use of the several counties for the purposes specified in division (C) of this section. The moneys shall be divided equally among all the counties in the state and shall be paid out by the registrar of motor vehicles in equal proportions to the county auditor of each county within the state.
(C) Forty-seven per cent of all such moneys shall be for the use of the county in which the owner resides or in which the place is located at which the established business or branch business in connection with which the motor vehicle registered is used, for the planning, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, and repair of roads and highways; maintaining and repairing bridges and viaducts; and the payment of principal, interest, and charges on bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or incurred pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring or constructing roads, highways, bridges, or viaducts or acquiring or making other highway improvements for which the board of county commissioners may issue bonds under such chapter.
(D) Nine per cent of all such moneys shall be for the use of the several counties for the purposes specified in division (C) of this section and shall be distributed to the several counties in the ratio which the total number of miles of county roads under the jurisdiction of each board of county commissioners in each county bears to the total number of miles of county roads in the state, as determined by the director of transportation. Before such distribution is made each board of county commissioners shall certify in writing to the director the actual number of miles under its statutory jurisdiction which are used by and maintained for the public.
(E) Five per cent of all such moneys shall be for the use of the several townships and shall be distributed to the several townships in the ratio which the total number of miles of township roads under the jurisdiction of each board of township trustees in each township bears to the total number of miles of township roads in the state, as determined by the director of transportation. Before such distribution is made each board of township trustees shall certify in writing to the director the actual number of miles under its statutory jurisdiction which are used by and maintained for the public.
Effective Date: 07-26-1991; 03-29-2005