As used in this section:
(A) “Utility trailer” means any trailer, except a travel trailer or trailer for transporting watercraft, having a gross weight of less than four thousand pounds.
(B) “Snowmobile” and “all-purpose vehicle” have the same meaning as in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code.
(C) “Distributor” means any person authorized by a manufacturer of utility trailers or trailers for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles to distribute new trailers to persons for purposes of resale.
A manufacturer or distributor of utility trailers or trailers for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles may apply for registration with the registrar of motor vehicles for each place in this state where the manufacturer or distributor carries on the business of manufacturing or distributing such trailers. Applications for annual registration shall be made at the time provided for payment of the tax imposed by section 4503.09 of the Revised Code; shall be in the manner to be prescribed by the registrar; and shall be accompanied by an affidavit certifying that the applicant is a manufacturer or distributor of utility trailers or trailers for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles. The fee for such registration shall be twenty-five dollars and shall not be reduced when the registration is for a part of a year.
Upon the filing of the application and affidavit, and payment of the fee and appropriate postage as required by the registrar, the registrar shall assign to the applicant a distinctive number which shall be displayed on the rear of each trailer when it is operated on the public highway. Any trailer for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles that is not loaded may be operated on the public highway until it is sold or transferred; and any utility trailer that is not loaded, or that is being used to transport another utility trailer for purposes of demonstration or delivery, may be operated on the public highway until it is sold or transferred.
At the time the registrar assigns the distinctive number, the registrar shall furnish one placard with the number thereon. The manufacturer or distributor may procure a reasonable number of certified copies of the registration certificate upon the payment of a fee of five dollars and postage. With each of such certified copies, the registrar shall furnish one placard with the same number provided in the original registration certificate, and shall add thereto such special designation as necessary to distinguish one set of placards from another. All placards furnished by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be so marked as to be distinguishable from placards issued to dealers in or manufacturers of motor vehicles or trailers for transporting watercraft.
The fees collected by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be paid into the state bureau of motor vehicles fund established by section 4501.25 of the Revised Code and used for the purposes described in that section.
Effective Date: 10-21-1997