Without limitation, the registrar of motor vehicles may adopt rules governing the following:
(A) The temporary registration of vehicles pending receipt of the apportioned license plate and registration card;
(B) The initial application for apportioned registration;
(C) The addition of declared jurisdictions throughout the registration year;
(D) The apportioned registration of vehicles leased to motor carriers, including the issuance of trip permits and temporary registration permits for owner-operators not operating as lessors;
(E) The apportioned registration of vehicular equipment leased to a carrier for a single interjurisdictional movement;
(F) The apportioned registration of rental vehicles;
(G) The apportioned registration of vehicular equipment leased by household goods carriers;
(H) The registration of buses;
(I) The issuance of trip permits;
(J) The issuance of hunters’ permits;
(K) The registration under this chapter of vehicles based in jurisdictions that are not members of the international registration plan.
Effective Date: 03-31-1997