Upon acceptance of a bond with individual sureties, the registrar of motor vehicles shall forward to the county recorder of the county in which the sureties’ real estate is located a notice of such deposit and pay the recorder a base fee of five dollars for filing and indexing the notice and a housing trust fund fee of five dollars pursuant to section 317.36 of the Revised Code. The recorder shall receive and file such notice and keep and index the same. Such bond shall constitute a lien in favor of the state upon the real estate so scheduled or any surety, and the lien shall exist in favor of any holder of a final judgment against the person who has filed the bond, for damages, including damages for care and loss of services, because of bodily injury to or death of any person, or for damage because of injury to property, including the loss of use thereof, resulting from the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle after such bond was filed, upon the filing of notice to that effect by the registrar with the county recorder as provided in this section.
Effective Date: 08-01-2003