After consultation with the insurance companies authorized to issue automobile liability or physical damage policies, or both, in this state, the superintendent of insurance shall approve a reasonable plan, fair and equitable to the insurers and to their policyholders, for the apportionment among such companies of applicants for such policies and for motor-vehicle liability policies who are in good faith entitled to but are unable to procure such policies through ordinary methods. When any such plan has been approved by the superintendent, all such insurance companies shall subscribe and participate. Any applicant for such policy, any person insured under such plan, and any insurance company affected, may appeal to the superintendent of insurance from any ruling or decision of the manager or committee designated to operate such plan. Any order or act of the superintendent under this section is subject to review as provided in sections 119.01 to 119.13, inclusive, of the Revised Code, at the instance of any party in interest.
Effective Date: 09-14-1970