(A) The director of transportation with respect to all highways that are a part of the state highway system and local authorities with respect to highways under their jurisdiction, upon application in writing and for good cause shown, may issue a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in sections 5577.01 to 5577.09 of the Revised Code, or otherwise not in conformity with sections 4513.01 to 4513.37 of the Revised Code, upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the authority granting the permit.
For purposes of this section, the director may designate certain state highways or portions of state highways as special economic development highways. If an application submitted to the director under this section involves travel of a nonconforming vehicle or combination of vehicles upon a special economic development highway, the director, in determining whether good cause has been shown that issuance of a permit is justified, shall consider the effect the travel of the vehicle or combination of vehicles will have on the economic development in the area in which the designated highway or portion of highway is located.
(B) Notwithstanding sections 715.22 and 723.01 of the Revised Code, the holder of a special permit issued by the director under this section may move the vehicle or combination of vehicles described in the special permit on any highway that is a part of the state highway system when the movement is partly within and partly without the corporate limits of a municipal corporation. No local authority shall require any other permit or license or charge any license fee or other charge against the holder of a permit for the movement of a vehicle or combination of vehicles on any highway that is a part of the state highway system. The director shall not require the holder of a permit issued by a local authority to obtain a special permit for the movement of vehicles or combination of vehicles on highways within the jurisdiction of the local authority. Permits may be issued for any period of time not to exceed one year, as the director in the director’s discretion or a local authority in its discretion determines advisable, or for the duration of any public construction project.
(C) The application for a permit shall be in the form that the director or local authority prescribes. The director or local authority may prescribe a permit fee to be imposed and collected when any permit described in this section is issued. The permit fee may be in an amount sufficient to reimburse the director or local authority for the administrative costs incurred in issuing the permit, and also to cover the cost of the normal and expected damage caused to the roadway or a street or highway structure as the result of the operation of the nonconforming vehicle or combination of vehicles. The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall establish a schedule of fees for permits issued by the director under this section.
For the purposes of this section and of rules adopted by the director under this section, milk transported in bulk by vehicle is deemed a nondivisible load.
(D) The director or local authority may issue or withhold a permit. If a permit is to be issued, the director or local authority may limit or prescribe conditions of operation for the vehicle and may require the posting of a bond or other security conditioned upon the sufficiency of the permit fee to compensate for damage caused to the roadway or a street or highway structure. In addition, a local authority, as a condition of issuance of an overweight permit, may require the applicant to develop and enter into a mutual agreement with the local authority to compensate for or to repair excess damage caused to the roadway by travel under the permit.
For a permit that will allow travel of a nonconforming vehicle or combination of vehicles on a special economic development highway, the director, as a condition of issuance, may require the applicant to agree to make periodic payments to the department to compensate for damage caused to the roadway by travel under the permit.
(E) Every permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer or authorized agent of any authority granting the permit. No person shall violate any of the terms of a permit.
(F) The director may debar an applicant from applying for a special permit under this section upon a finding based on a reasonable belief that the applicant has done any of the following:
(1) Abused the process by repeatedly submitting false information or false travel plans or by using another company or individual’s name, insurance, or escrow account without proper authorization;
(2) Failed to comply with or substantially perform under a previously issued special permit according to its terms, conditions, and specifications within specified time limits;
(3) Failed to cooperate in the application process for the special permit or in any other procedures that are related to the issuance of the special permit by refusing to provide information or documents required in a permit or by failing to respond to and correct matters related to the special permit;
(4) Accumulated repeated justified complaints regarding performance under a special permit that was previously issued to the applicant or previously failed to obtain a special permit when such a permit was required;
(5) Attempted to influence a public employee to breach ethical conduct standards;
(6) Been convicted of a criminal offense related to the application for, or performance under, a special permit, including, but not limited to, bribery, falsification, fraud or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, and any other offense that directly reflects on the applicant’s integrity or commercial driver’s license;
(7) Accumulated repeated convictions under a state or federal safety law governing commercial motor vehicles or a rule or regulation adopted under such a law;
(8) Accumulated repeated convictions under a law, rule, or regulation governing the movement of traffic over the public streets and highways;
(9) Failed to pay any fees associated with any permitted operation or move;
(10) Deliberately or willfully submitted false or misleading information in connection with the application for, or performance under, a special permit issued under this section.
If the applicant is a partnership, association, or corporation, the director also may debar from consideration for special permits any partner of the partnership, or the officers, directors, or employees of the association or corporation being debarred.
The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the debarment of an applicant.
(G) When the director reasonably believes that grounds for debarment exist, the director shall send the person that is subject to debarment a notice of the proposed debarment. A notice of proposed debarment shall indicate the grounds for the debarment of the person and the procedure for requesting a hearing. The notice and hearing shall be in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. If the person does not respond with a request for a hearing in the manner specified in that chapter, the director shall issue the debarment decision without a hearing and shall notify the person of the decision by certified mail, return receipt requested. The debarment period may be of any length determined by the director, and the director may modify or rescind the debarment at any time. During the period of debarment, the director shall not issue, or consider issuing, a special permit to any partnership, association, or corporation that is affiliated with a debarred person. After the debarment period expires, the person, and any partnership, association, or corporation affiliated with the person, may reapply for a special permit.
(H) Whoever violates this section shall be punished as provided in section 4513.99 of the Revised Code.
Amended by 128th General Assembly ch. 1, HB 2, (Vetoed Provisions) §101.01, eff. 7/1/2009.
Effective Date: 01-01-2004; 03-29-2005