(A) The accountancy board annually shall elect a president, secretary, and treasurer from its members. The board may adopt and amend rules for the orderly conduct of its affairs and for the administration of this chapter. The board may adopt and amend rules defining the practice of public accounting, rules of professional conduct appropriate to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity and dignity in registrants and certificate holders under this chapter, and rules regulating the sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, professional association, corporation-for-profit, or other legal entity practice of public accounting. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(B) The board shall keep and hold open for public inspection all records of its proceedings.
(C) The board may employ any clerks that are necessary to assist it in the performance of its duties and the keeping of its records. If the board employs an executive director, the executive director shall be paid in accordance with pay range 18 of schedule E-1 of section 124.152 of the Revised Code, or, if the director was employed and being paid on June 28, 2003, in accordance with step 7 in pay range 18 of schedule E-1 of former section 124.152 of the Revised Code and continued to be so paid on June 29, 2003, the executive director shall be paid in accordance with pay range 18 of salary schedule E-1 for step seven only of section 124.152 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 06-29-2004