(A) Each architect who holds a certificate of qualification to practice architecture under sections 4703.01 to 4703.19 of the Revised Code and who desires to continue the practice of architecture shall, before or during the month of December of each odd-numbered year, make application, together with the renewal fee provided in section 4703.16 of the Revised Code, for a renewal of the certificate, and demonstrate satisfactory completion of any applicable continuing education requirements adopted by the architects board under section 4703.02 of the Revised Code. The renewal shall be pursuant to the standard renewal procedure of sections 4745.01 to 4745.03 of the Revised Code, except that renewal is required in each odd-numbered year instead of annually. Each certificate shall be renewed for a term of two years, and the renewal shall be recorded in the official register of the board.
(B) Each holder of a certificate of authorization to provide architectural services shall, before or during the month of each June preceding the year the holder desires to continue to provide architectural services, make application, together with the renewal fee provided in section 4703.16 of the Revised Code, for a renewal of the certificate. Each certificate shall be renewed for a term of one year except as provided in section 4703.12 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-29-1995; 05-18-2005; 2008 SB225 06-20-2008