(A) Each person who desires to obtain an initial license to practice barbering shall apply to the barber board, on forms provided by the board. The application form shall include the name of the person applying for the license and evidence that the applicant meets all of the requirements of division (B) of this section. The application shall be accompanied by two signed current photographs of the applicant, in the size determined by the board, that show only the head and shoulders of the applicant, and the examination application fee.
(B) In order to take the required barber examination and to qualify for licensure as a barber, an applicant must demonstrate that the applicant meets all of the following:
(1) Is of good moral character;
(2) Is at least eighteen years of age;
(3) Has an eighth grade education or an equivalent education as determined by the state board of education in the state where the applicant resides;
(4) Has graduated with at least eighteen hundred hours of training from a board-approved barber school or has graduated with at least one thousand hours of training from a board-approved barber school in this state and has a current cosmetology or hair designer license issued pursuant to Chapter 4713. of the Revised Code. No hours of instruction earned by an applicant five or more years prior to the examination apply to the hours of study required by this division.
(C) Any applicant who meets all of the requirements of divisions (A) and (B) of this section may take the barber examination at the time and place specified by the board. If the applicant fails to attain at least a seventy-five per cent pass rate on each part of the examination, the applicant is ineligible for licensure; however, the applicant may reapply for examination within ninety days after the date of the release of the examination scores by paying the required reexamination fee. An applicant is only required to take that part or parts of the examination on which the applicant did not receive a score of seventy-five per cent or higher. If the applicant fails to reapply for examination within ninety days or fails the second examination, in order to reapply for examination for licensure the applicant shall complete an additional course of study of not less than two hundred hours, in a board-approved barber school. The board shall provide to an applicant, upon request, a report which explains the reasons for the applicant’s failure to pass the examination.
(D) The board shall issue a license to practice barbering to any applicant who, to the satisfaction of the board, meets the requirements of divisions (A) and (B) of this section, who passes the required examination, and pays the initial licensure fee. Every licensed barber shall display the certificate of licensure in a conspicuous place adjacent to or near the licensed barber’s work chair, along with a signed current photograph, in the size determined by the board, showing head and shoulders only.
Effective Date: 04-07-2003